Get Started

Little steps, big impact…

 1. Create Connections

  • Connect on the Inside – Keep a gratitude journal. Record three things you are thankful for daily. Research has shown a direct link between gratitude and nonviolence. Also, take a moment to take a break and a few deep breaths – meditate. Studies have also shown that meditation fosters both inner and interpersonal peace.


  • Connect on the Outside – Tell someone you care. Send an email, write a letter, make a call, share a cup of coffee, or take walk with someone – invest time in others so they and you feel connected.


  • Connect Beyond Your Circle of Friends – Commit random acts of kindness. Volunteer with a local charity. Encourage your friends and family to share these activities with you – this can change your community.


  2. Take Out

  • Violent video games from your home


  • Violent media off your watch list.


  3. Make a Personal Commitment to Creating a Culture of Nonviolence.

  • Commit to being a positive role model for family, friends, and community.


  • Choose to be a leader of positive change rather than perpetuate cultural patterns of disrespect and violence.


  • Model strength as compassion, kindness, courtesy, self-restraint and integrity.


  • Realize your impact on children. They watch every move and they model their behavior on what they see.


  • Choose to see conflict as an opportunity for positive change and personal growth rather than a foothold for further antagonism.